Sunday, September 22, 2013

Introducing Olivia Mei Lang

     On September 6 I had a doctor appointment where me and my OB decided that if baby girl didn't come on her own, I would be induced on September 16, 2013! Commence the longest 10 days of my life.
     September 14th, my mom left Idaho to drive down to Arizona to watch Adam for us while we were at the hospital. Adam was so excited to see his grandma!
     The morning of September 16th, Stephen and I woke up at 5:30 to make sure we were ready to go to the hospital and ate a little breakfast. My induction appointment was at 6:30 and we checked into the hospital and were told to sit and wait for the charge nurse to come get us and take us to my room. Well little did we know that the wait would turn into a WAIT! We ended up waiting for 4 hours before a nurse came to get us! It seemed lots of babies wanted to be born that morning.
     We finally got to our room at about 10:45am. I got in my gown and they started my IV. They did all the computer work and they started my pitocin at 11:45am. I felt pretty good at first and thought, "oh yeah, I can do this!". An hour later at 12:45 my doctor came to check on me and broke my water to help labor move along. After my water broke, the contractions came fast and hard. The pain was pretty strong and came fast. At 1:20pm I got my epidural and the contractions were much more tolerable. They checked me at 2pm and I was halfway there. Things seemed to be moving pretty fast.
     At around 3:15, my contractions were coming back painful and it seemed the epidural wasn't really doing it's job. They gave me some more medicine but nothing seemed to be working. The only thing the epidural did was make my legs numb. At 3:50 they checked me again to see if I could get some more medicine because at this point, it was very painful, or if I was ready to push. I was at an 8 so they gave me some more medicine through my IV, but it still didn't help.
     Around 4:20 I was ready to push. They called my doctor in, and I started pushing. 10 pushes later, and Olivia Mei was born at 4:30pm weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. and 19 in long (almost the same size as her brother)!

     My mom and Adam came later that evening so they could meet her! Adam did really well :)

     This is a picture from today :) Olivia is 6 days old

Saturday, August 31, 2013

37 Weeks - FULL TERM!

Finally we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am now 37 weeks and considered "full term". Baby girl can come any time now :) At this point when I as pregnant with Adam we only had a few days left, so who know when we will be meeting our little girl. I DO know that it will be no more than 2 weeks because my doctor will not let me go past 40 weeks so the end is near! We're ready for her, and hopefully Adam won't be too shocked when there is a new baby in the house.
Hopefully the last belly shot :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pregnancy and Summer in Arizona...

Do NOT mix!! It's so hot, and I'm ready for September to be here. It's been a pretty hot summer this year, and it's only the end of June. I'm not looking forward to what July and August bring us temperature wise. We spend all day inside in our Air Conditioner and we go to the pool quite a bit in the evenings. One of Adam's favorite things to do is go to the pool with his daddy.

A few updates on my pregnancy: We are now officially in the 3rd trimester! Only 12 weeks to go to my due date, but my doctor thinks baby girl will be early! This pregnancy has been the complete opposite of Adams. At our 20 week ultrasound, they found a couple "soft markers" of Downs Syndrome. This was quite startling to us, so thus began testing so we could be informed before baby's arrival, if she did indeed have Downs Syndrome. We had and extra ultrasound, and I had a blood test. We had a stressful couple of weeks as we awaited the results of the ultrasound and blood test. However, when the results came back, we found our baby girl is healthy, negative for not only Downs Syndrome, but all chromosomal abnormalities, and is in fact a GIRL! Relief was so great! Now we get to wait (impatiently on my part) until she makes her arrival and we can finally meet our baby girl.

28 weeks 

Baby girl at 28 weeks

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adam is going to be a big brother!

It is true! We will become a family of 4 late September. Baby #2 is due a week before Adam's third birthday so our September's will be busy in the future. We are so excited to be welcoming another baby and we think Adam is finally understanding the concept of a "bee bee" in the house.

 8 week little bean

 20 week profile and arm 

 "He's a big brother!"

Now comes the situation of telling people gender, because nowadays you can't simply just tell them. You have to do something. So we took some pictures with Adam! Adam is getting a...

We can't wait to meet this little girl. We're halfway there!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Year and a Half

It's been a year and a half since I blogged. I think it's safe to say I'm not so good at this, but I'm going to try and blog more! So much has happened in the last year and a half. Stephen graduated from the Defense Language Institute with High Honors in May, and went on to more training. Adam and I went to Idaho Falls and spent 6 months with family. Then in November 2012, we packed up and moved to Arizona. We love it here in Tucson and especially the weather. Now we're making our home here, watching Adam grow so fast and loving the sunshine.

 May at the park before the move

Road Trip to Idaho Falls

Greeting Darby!

Summer Ribs

In Grandpa's Kayak

Camping in Idaho

Idaho Falls Zoo

Adam's 2nd Birthday

Halloween 2012

Road Trip to Tucson with Cheeto mouth!

Sitting in Camping chairs in our NEW empty house!

Tucson Zoo

Snowing in Arizona!

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