Monday, March 7, 2011

First of MANY sewing projects!

Stephen got me a sewing machine so now I can be crafty while the monster is napping! I'm building up my stash of fabric and supplies, and finished my first project last night! woohoo!

This is the beginning!

This is the final product!

Adam likes to scoot while on his back, and hang his little hands out of the crib. I never found a bumper that I liked, so I decided to sew one! It took a lot longer than I thought it would, but I'm very happy with how it turned out!

My other projects include cloth diapers! Yay!


  1. This is awesome!!!! I want to make a quilt and bumper for my little man too... I guarantee yours is way better than what I am attempting to make!!!! You talented girl you!

  2. You very talented Nicole! Those dipes are amazing & your son is too cute!


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